Banana Splits Club
create your own club
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Banana Splits Club
at Your School
Decide if you want to start the club alone or with a friend or fellow student
Determine who else at your school would like to join the club
Figure out a time that your club would meet (this may change in the future)
Create a list of goals you want to achieve in your first meeting and a list of long term goals
First meeting goals
Determine if the meeting times are good for everyone
Talk about ideas on how to market this group and get more students to join
Discuss what everyone wants to get out of this club and their hopes and goals
Long term goals
What policies does your school have that are unfair to students with divorced parents?
How can you change them?
How can you make your school a more welcoming environment?
Talk to your advisor or a teacher who you trust and ask them how you start a club at your school
Fill out any necessary forms to start a club
If your school requires an adult to be linked to a club, find an adult sponsor (preferably the guidance counselor, or an adult that students feel comfortable talking to)
Once your club is approved, send out emails to the teachers announcing the club and encouraging them to privately tell kids with divorced parents about the club before your first meeting
Then have your first meeting!!
In this meeting, share and discuss your long and short term goals
Talk about why you started this club
Open up the group discussion and invite club members to share their stories
Ask everyone to write down their phone number and name (if everyone feels comfortable joining a group chat)
During the meeting, agree on a platform that everyone feels comfortable communicating on and create a group chat
After the meeting, send a message to the group chat thanking everyone for coming and confirming the time for the next meeting!